Stacey has been a resident of Barrie since 2007 when she moved here to study Massage Therapy at Georgian College. During her 5 years of practice, she has gained a lot of experience while treating a variety of conditions. A large part of her practice helps alleviate typical back, neck and shoulder pain as a result of prolong computer work, commuting and inactivity. Other common conditions include tendonitis, strains, sprains and shin splints.
With sports and fitness always being a dominant part of her life, Stacey took an even bigger liking to Remedial Exercise. She was amazed by the positive results her clients were having by the simple stretching and strengthening exercises she advised them to do. She decided to take this a step further and completed her Fitness Instructor Specialist certifications. She is now able to offer fitness classes to help her clients achieve a more pain free and healthier lifestyle.